Saturday, April 30, 2011

Christian's First Easter

Easter morning was an early morning (much like all the mornings nowadays at the Clark residence). Christian woke up at about 4am to see what the Easter Bunny had brought him, and yep, it was Mommy and the special Easter breast milk buffet. Surprise, surprise!

Alright, are Ken and I completely horrible for not making him an Easter basket? I mean, it's not like he needs anything and it's not like we haven't already spoiled him rotten. For Pete's sake, I got Ken and my mom presents for Easter which included outfits for Christian! (That's right. You can give someone something that's really for someone else and have them appreciate it!)

Thank goodness Christian woke us up early (cough cough), because we had to get ready for church! Yeah. I know what you're thinking..."the church probably caught fire when you walked in"...but it didn't! (Believe me, I was worried about the same thing...) And Christian was dressed in his Sunday best (aka: the cutest outfit EVER!) thus upstaging every other kid present (just sayin').
His Easter Best!
Surprisingly, Christian stayed asleep all throughout church! (I could make a million snide jokes right now about how exciting mass was, but since it was Easter...I won't...)

After church, Grandma showed Christian off to like, a million of her fellow parishioners and then we got ready to go to lunch at The Lodge at Lake Lanier Islands Resort.
Christian was super pumped about the buffet at the hotel!
Ok. So. The coolest thing about the buffet at the hotel? THE PETTING ZOO!!!!!!! Someone very brightly recognized that "kids get bored doing adult stuff...therefore, let's hire a few hillbillies to bring their livestock to the hotel and entertain the kiddies for a little while"...genius. And when they asked us which ballroom we'd like to sit in, of course I opted for the one nearest the animals. Ok. Maybe it was right in front of them...but I love animals!
I was the only person above the age of 12 outside petting the animals. Ken's such a lucky guy.
The llama song...change your life and click here  

There was one problem, however. Every time I turned around, the llama was checkin' me out. He was like, obsessed with me. Ken was threatening to beat him up...but I talked him down. Phew...that was a close one.

My admirer

Christian enjoyed his Easter dinner
Christian and Grandma
The two best lookin' guys at church!
Mommy and Christian
Mommy and Daddy

Check out Christian's manly bib!
And just for everyone's viewing pleasure...yes, we took Christian to see the Easter Bunny. Well, I guess he didn't "see" the bunny because he stayed asleep the whole time. But you have to admit, it's like a "Where's Waldo" book trying to find Christian in this picture! The bunny was so big compared to him!
Well folks, that was our Easter. Not overly exciting, but very relaxed. I'm sure next year, when Christian is ONE YEAR OLD (holy cow!) we will have a much more extravagant and exciting Easter...stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I never realized until just now, that Christian looks just like daddy! I mean he looks like mommy too, but next to Ken, def see it~
    He is SO adorable, I love the outfit!!
