Saturday, April 23, 2011

Nakey, Nakey Eggs and Bakey

Some babies like to be swaddled when they're upset. Some people say it's because it reminds the baby of the comfort of their mother's womb. Well, lemme tell ya 'bout my kid. He likes the exact opposite of swaddling. He likes to be naked!

When Christian is inconsolable and all other remedies have been tried, we strip the baby and let him lay on the bed or changing table. He usually stops crying on the spot and starts cooing. We call this naked time "nakey, nakey eggs and bakey". We even have a song that goes along with it. (Yeah. We're that weird.) But it works! He loves it! And I know what you're thinking, "Leave it to Stephanie's kid to be an exhibitionist..." and you're right! Of course my kid likes to be naked! That's part of the reason we have so many pictures of him with limited amounts of clothing on...because he's ALWAYS happy when he's in his birthday suit =)



  1. Stephanie-
    He is BEAUTIFUL!! Wow, y'all should make more of those pretty babies....what a handsome little guy!
    -Danielle B

  2. Hahaha! Isn't is funny how the strangest things make babies happy?! As a mom I pick my battles and if being naked makes him happy then I would have him naked all day! I think it is a man thing. Damian LOVES being naked and Madelyn likes her clothes on.

    All of the pics you posted today are stunning. I know everyone says every baby is cute, but he is extremely handsome!

  3. He is so dang cute! Even naked! I agree completely with Liz, if he likes being naked, he shall be it all day long! M&M were like that with socks/shoes as babies. As soon as you put socks on them they got irritable and fussy, take them off they were immediately fine!
    I love the 4th pic down! Such a handsome little guy!!

  4. Danielle-thank you! It won't be for a while if we have more kids. Not sure Ken wants to enjoy the pleasure of "pregnant Stephanie" quite so soon =)

    Liz-It's true! Even if I let him sit without his diaper on for a few minutes his demeanor is completely different. Crazy! And thank you. I think he is a very handsome little boy!

    Megs-He is not crazy about socks either! He hates you putting them on at least. But once they're on his mission is to kick them off asap! haha! And thank you!
