Monday, May 30, 2011

Mommy's Moment

I know that everyone wants to hear about the baby (and even if you don't ask me, I'll tell you all about him!), but what about the mommy? I promise that she disappear. So, I'll just check in and do a little update about what it's been like being a working mommy.

I have to say that I have been relieved to leave Christian with Ken everyday when I go to work. I am able to focus on my store knowing my son is in the best, most capable hands in the world. Plus, Ken is a great "stay at home Dad" even though he works, too. Check out this video as a tribute to stay at home dads! It's too much fun! Plus it's by my favorite comedian, Jon Lajoie.

My store is doing fabulously. Continuing on at the number one spot in the region. My assistant managers are learning and growing in their knowledge and skill set at an amazing rate! I am so impressed with them. I love going to work everyday knowing that they are as dedicated and driven to excellence as I am.

When I was pregnant I was in so much pain physically that it was hard to enjoy being at work. Now that I am not enormously pregnant, I am able to maneuver up and down ladders and walk twenty miles a day back and forth in my store without feeling like my feet are going to fall off and my hips are going to become disjointed. (Seriously, that is no exaggeration...) I love my customers again and all of a sudden I am not annoyed by the screaming children who run wayward through the clothing racks (probably because I have my own kid who can have a meltdown without a second's notice). Every kid that comes in is simply an extension of my baby boy who waits patiently at home for his mommy.

Ken and I are doing really well! We enjoy our son together so much. We do tend to put Christian's needs before our own, but he is needier than us. Duh! We always seem to find time to sneak off to another bedroom for intimacy and I have to say that it is Seriously. It's like we just met...(partly because I am not quite as large and uncomfortable as I was...I'm more like a beluga and not so much like a humpback? Does that give you a good visual?)

As far as my personal feelings about myself are concerned...well, let's just say that I am not happy about the way I look. I feel fat. I really thought I would have no problem losing my baby weight within the 8 weeks I was on maternity leave. Boy, was I wrong! You don't just lose 65 pounds in a snap. (There. I said it. 65 pounds. That's what I gained...) And it doesn't help that I haven't curbed my eating AT ALL. It's like my body still wants all the things it wanted when I was pregnant. I literally have to re-program my mind before I can be successful in feeling good about me.

There is a significant amount of drama in one portion of my life that won't seem to go away...coucoughfamilycoughcough...but sometimes you just have to remove yourself from it and move on with life. Especially when I have so much going on and so much to be thankful for, the LAST thing I need are people who continue to rain on my parade. And I have to set a boundary and say, "No more!".

Anyways, that is my vent for now. I'm sure I'll have more later! Thanks for listening!


  1. SUCH a blessing to have Ken at home with Christian while you're at work!!! I'm so sorry you're dealing with family drama...i've been there a time or two (or 10...) myself and it sucks. Mega sucks :( Also your body is still acting pregnant b/c nursing. It's a catch 22 for sure!!! You can't go on a starvation diet anytime soon but cutting back will help lose the weight and still be okay nursing (again I have to give a plug to WW online...they configure how many points you get based on the fact that you're nursing...when I stopped nursing I lost 10 points a DAY!!! it got really tough to stick with it then!). :)

  2. That is so great that you get to leave the baby at home with your son when you go to work...that sounds like the perfect solution! As for the weight's a myth that the pregnancy weight just melts off. At least it is in my experience. It annoys me to see brand new moms who are super-skinny. I don't know how they do it, but it's very frustrating to have to see that. I still feel that way and my kid is almost four! Just hang in'll get back to your old self (or at least a new version of your old self!) eventually. Don't be in a rush, just enjoy your sweet baby and all that motherhood brings =)

  3. Sara and Ems- it is WONDERFUL to have Ken at home with Christian. And Ems, you are the second person to suggest WW. I just am still HUGE and I really need to get back to some semblance of normalcy. You know?
